The Dordrecht Family


With Updates to March 1762



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For Anneke & Harmanus Dordrecht:

       Gesina, born March 1759*, died January 1760

       Lena, born July 1760

       Christiaan, born August 1761


For Geertruid & Berend Kloppen:

       Twins Arjan & Maria, born May 1759*, both died November 1761

       Niesje, born December 1760

       Frans, born January 1762


For Mary & Brevoort Dordrecht:

       Susan, born March 1759*

       Ann, born September 1760

       Joan, born December 1761


Elisabeth Dordrecht married to Roderick Willett, March 20, 1761


For Jenneken & Engelbertus Hampers:

       Maurits, born December 1758*

       Joris, born February 1760

       Eduwart, born March 1761


For Mary & Robert Fitzweiler:

       Theresa, born September 1759

       William, born August 1761


*Event recounted in Great Mischief




Not listed:  children lost in infancy prior to 1758; three children of Sarah Van Dienst Jones adopted by Thomas’ uncle Frederik upon his marriage to her in 1746.


Note: Thomas Dordrecht also has a maternal family, of course—he is, in fact, named for his English uncle, Thomas Pennyman—but he and his siblings are aware of their existence only through correspondence.


Reminder:  this “family” is purely fictional!


